3rd National Congress of the Italian Society for Virology
Palazzo Bo, Via VIII Febbraio, 3 -PADUA ; Aula Magna, Polo “A. Vallisneri”, Via G. Colombo, 3 - PADUA
Dal 10.09.2019 al 12.09.2019
The National Congress of the Italian Society for Virology represents the annual forum for the Italian scientists working in the different areas of Virology (medical-clinical Virology, molecular Virology, veterinary Virology, environmental and Plant Virology) involving basic, clinical and translational research and taking advantage of the most advanced technological platforms.
In keeping with the tradition, the scientific structure of Congress features different thematic sessions: antiviral therapy, emerging viruses and zoonosis, environmental and plant virology, human viral diseases, infection & immunity and vaccinology, veterinary virology, viral diagnosis, viral genetics and biotechnology, viral oncology, virus-host interactions. Every session starts with a Keynote Lecture followed by oral communications selected from the “Call for Abstracts”. Specific Symposia dedicated to Hot Topics in Virology, as well as Poster Exhibition and Discussion, complete the scientific structure of the Congress. Special attention will be given to Young Investigators whose participation will be encouraged by Scholarships.
The 3rd National Congress of the Italian Society for Virology will be accredited to the Italian Ministry of Health for CME Credits for the following professionals: Medical Doctor (all disciplines), Biologist, Biotechnologist, Medical laboratory technician, Veterinary, Pharmacist, Physicist and Chemist.