Archivio news


DMM Seminars 2023 - Valerio Orlando

Dal 23.05.2023 al 25.05.2023

Prof. Valerio Orlando Research LaboratoryATTENZIONE IL SEMINARIO E' STATO RINVIATO A DATA DA DESTINARSIProfessor of Bioscience, Head of Environmental Epigenetics ProgramKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)Saudi Arabia Prof. Orlando's lab is interested in investigating the



DMM Seminars 2023 - Kris Dierickx

Dal 28.04.2023 al 04.05.2023

Prof. Kris Dierickx Research LoaboratoryFull Professor of Medical Ethics at the Faculty of Medicine at KU Leuven.His research focuses on the applied and fundamental aspects of new technologies in medicine. His main research activities are concentrated on the ethical aspects of predictive medicine,



DMM Seminars 2023 - Andrea Brancale

Dal 21.03.2023 al 18.04.2023

Prof. Andrea Brancale Research Laboratory Prof. Andrea BrancaleChair of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (UCT Prague).In his research, he is mainly focused on the design and synthesis of novel potential biologically active molecules, with an emphasis on



DMM Seminars 2023 - Ramon Vilar

Dal 23.02.2023 al 07.03.2023

 Prof. Ramon Vilar Research LaboratoryProfessor of Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry at the Imperial College London, UK. He focuses on developing novel tools and technologies to interrogate biological systems. Some of the areas of interest include the role that unusual nucleic acids' structures (e.g. G



Stanchezza dei professionisti della salute e crisi del sistema sanitario: questioni etiche

Dal 07.02.2023 al 18.02.2023

Questa sessione pubblica del Corso di perfezionamento in Bioetica si propone innanzitutto di offrire un’analisi critica della situazione in cui versa il servizio sanitario – con un focus su terapia intensiva e pronto soccorso – e poi di sviluppare una riflessione sulle implicazioni etiche di questo
