Archivio news


DMM Seminars 2022 - Francesca Finotello

Dal 07.11.2022 al 22.11.2022

Prof. Francesca Finotello Research LaboratoryFrancesca Finotello earned her PhD in Bioengineering in 2014 at the University of Padova, Italy. She is an Assistant Professor in the Institute of Molecular Biology and Digital Science Center (DiSC) of the University of Innsbruck, Austria. She has



DMM Seminars 2022 - Adriano Aguzzi

Dal 02.11.2022 al 08.11.2022

Prof. Adriano Aguzzi Research Laboratory Adriano Aguzzi  Professor and Director of the Institute of Neuropathology at the University of Zurich. Founder and Director of the Swiss National Reference Center for Prion Diseases  Adriano Aguzzi's lab has devoted the past 25 years to studying the



G4 Webinar Series 2022

Dal 03.11.2022 al 09.02.2023

Si terranno da novembre 2022 a febbraio 2023 gli appuntamenti dell'ottava edizione di G4 Webinar Series, un programma intenso attorno all'interessante tema delle strutture secondarie degli acidi nucleici. L'iniziativa, organizzata dalla Professoressa del DMM Sara Richer e dalla Professoressa dell



DMM Seminars 2022 - Prof. Sarah-Maria Fendt

Dal 04.10.2022 al 25.10.2022

Prof. Sarah-Maria Fendt Research Laboratory Sarah-Maria Fendt Principal Investigator at the VIB Center for Cancer Biology and Professor of Oncology at KU Leuven, Belgium.Prof. Sarah-Maria Fendt Research Laboratory is specifically interested in elucidating general regulatory principles in metabolism,



DMM Seminars 2022 - Prof. Marco Di Antonio

Dal 05.09.2022 al 27.09.2022

Prof. Marco di Antonio Research LaboratoryProf. Marco Di Antonio is Lecturer and Group Leader at Imperial College London and The Francis Crick Institute, United Kingdom.The aim of Di Antonio's lab is to investigate fundamental changes in DNA structures and chemical modification that are associated
